The Scoop on Manufactured Home Efficiency

Posts in Utilities
Heat Pumps . . . Happen

The NEEM team has been talking with home dealers and sales people about heat pumps, and we have heard that a lot of people are confused about them and whether they can be installed in conjunction with the factory-supplied furnace (the answer is yes, by the way). The NEEM team has put together a Heat Pump Comparison Table that can help home buyers and sales people consider the different options for adding cooling and efficient heating to homes.

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NEEM News, Utility Edition: Manufactured Homes Belong in Every Utility’s Energy Efficiency Programs

It’s the middle of a glorious Northwest summer. Long days and lovely weather seem like they will be here forever, but we know that a big seasonal change is on its way—Bonneville’s new fiscal year starts October 1st. With the new fiscal year come new budgets and changes to incentives. That means now is the time to be looking at adding incentives for new manufactured homes to your utility’s program offerings, if you don’t already have them in place.

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Welcome to NEEM News, Utility Edition

Welcome to the inaugural issue of NEEM News, directed to the NEEM Program’s utility partners. As you may know, the Northwest Energy-Efficient Manufactured Housing Program (NEEM) is the independent third-party certification body that works with all nine manufactured home builders in Idaho, Oregon and Washington to certify homes as ENERGY STAR and now also as ENERGY STAR with NEEM+.

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